![]() Maystar Family Cookbook Breads
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3 cups milk, hot Add all the flour you need so bread isn't sticky. Ask Betsy to help you see how sticky it is. (Scald milk, add lard or butter and sugar and salt. Let cool to lukewarm. Combine mixtures, then add enough flour so mixture pulls away from the side of the bowl. Drop onto floured board and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease the top. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. Shape into loaves. Place in greased bread pans and let rise again until double. Bake in preheated oven at 400 degrees for 35 to 45 minutes or until bread sounds hollow when thumped. BABETTE'S BREAD - BABETTE COOK
2 pkg. yeast (or 2 Tbsp.) Dissolve yeast in 3/4 cups warm water. (Sprinkle a little of the sugar in also). Melt shortening in scalded milk. (If milk is not warm enough to melt margarine, place in microwave for a few seconds.) Add sugar and salt. Cool to lukewarm, then add yeast mixture. Combine 5 cups flour. Mix until smooth. Add enough more flour until dough is easy to handle. (4 to 5 cups) Knead, knead, knead until smooth. Let rise in oiled or greased bowl until double in bulk. (This dough rises very quickly). Punch down. Divide into 2 parts and roll with rolling pin. Then roll tightly into loaf and place in 2 greased 9 x 5 inch pans. Bake at 425 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until it sounds hollow. Do not overbake. *You may substitute 2-2/3 cups warm water and 1 cup instant nonfat dry milk. Powdered milk is added to flour mixture.
2 quarts hot water Add yeast and sugar to hot water. Let proof. Stir in melted and cooled Crisco, salt and a few cups of the flour. Stir, adding the rest of the flour, then knead. Let dough sit until doubled in bulk, then shape into loaves. Let raise until double. Bake at 375 degrees for about 35 minutes. Makes two loaves Lee has been making this French bread for the Forest Green, Utah, Ward Sacrament meeting for 30 years. A girl who was allergic to some ingredient in the store-bought bread her ward used to use was able to take the Sacrament again when Lee started making her bread. Lee says she always bakes it in glass bread pans. This recipe also makes very good pizza crust.
2 cups warm water Mix water, yeast, sugar and salt. Let proof. Mix in flour a little at a time. Knead. (Kitchen Aid mixer works well for mixing and kneading.) Let rise until double in bulk. Divide into two parts and put into 2 well-greased glass baking pans. Let rise until dough is about two inches above top of pan. Bake for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
She says this is the only whole wheat bread she has ever found that turns out light.
3 pkg. ( or 3 Tbsp.) yeast Soften yeast in 1/4 cup warm water. Set aside. Use electric mixer to beat eggs. Add honey, oil and salt. Mix well. Combine dry milk, 1 cup white flour and 1 cup water with yeast mixture. Beat and continue adding water and up to 6 cups of the flour. Add remaining flour and stir with wooden spoon. When dough is too heavy to stir, place on floured board and knead for 10 full minutes. Place in greased bowl, cover and let rise for about 2 hours. Punch dough down and shape into loaves. Let rise 1 hour and bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.
3 - 3-1/2 cups flour Mix 1-1/2 cups of the flour, oats, brown sugar, margarine, salt and yeast in large mixing bowl. Stir in water; beat on medium speed for about 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in walnuts and enough of remaining flour to make dough easy to handle. Knead for 5 minutes (or until it squeaks). Place in greased bowl; turning so all sides are greased. Cover, let rise in warm place for about an hour or until double. Grease large cookie sheet. Punch down dough; divide in half. Shape each half into round loaf. Place on cookie sheet. Brush with softened margarine butter. Cover; let rise until double. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Bake about 35 minutes or until loaves sound hollow when tapped. Remove from cookie sheet . Cool. Makes 2 loaves.
1 cup raisins In saucepan, combine raisins and water. Bring to a boil. Cool. In bowl, mix egg well with brown sugar, oil, vanilla and orange peel. Add raisin mixture and stir. In separate bowl, mix dry ingredients. Combine liquid and dry ingredients, mixing well. Pour into greased loaf pan. Bake at 325 degrees for one hour, or until done. Cool in pan. Spread with glaze. Glaze:
1 cup sifted powdered sugar Top Making doughs with a sourdough starter is a fascinating process. "Sourdough" Jack Maybee has written an entire cookbook for recipes using a sourdough starter and encloses a sample of his dried Alaskan sourdough with it. Belva and Markay both do a lot of cooking with sourdough starter.
In a crockery or glass bowl combine:
2 cups warm water Beat well. Cover loosely with a clean cloth or plastic wrap. Stir several times a day. In two or three days, the starter will smell sour and be ready for use. Place in a loosely covered crockery or glass container. Refrigerate until needed. Take out the night before baking. Replenish starter by adding equal parts of flour and warm water. May be kept on the cupboard during cooler months if it is used at least once a week. If it turns orange or pink or gets moldy, throw it out. If you don't use it very often, keep in refrigerator and pour some off every once in a while and replenish. SOURDOUGH STARTER - BELVA PERRY
1 cup milk Combine and mix well. Let stand uncovered in a warm place (about 80 degrees) until sour in smell and bubbly. (This may take up to 6 days). Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon to keep a hard crust from forming. If the top dries out or the batter becomes too thick, add lukewarm water and stir to original consistency. If it becomes strangely discolored at any time or hasn't bubbled after 6 days...start again. Each time you use the starter it must be increased. Top This recipe is quicker, as it does not need to stand overnight. It also does not have as sour a flavor as the next one. To soften the yeast, in a large mixing bowl combine:
2 cups warm water Allow yeast to proof. Stir in:
1 cup sourdough starter Beat well. Cover and let rise 1 hour. Stir down sponge. Stir in:
2 Tbsp. oil To make a soft dough, gradually add: 3 to 4 cups all-purpose flour Turn out on a floured surface and knead until smooth, adding more flour if needed to prevent sticking. Divide dough into 3 parts. Shape into oblong loaves and place in well greased loaf pans. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 - 50 minutes. Cool on wire racks. Top The night before baking, in a large bowl, combine:
1 cup sourdough starter Beat well. Cover and let sponge rise overnight. The next morning, to soften yeast, in another bowl combine:
1 cup warm water Allow yeast to proof. Add to softened yeast mixture:
2 Tbsp. sugar To make a soft dough, gradually add: 5 to 6 cups unbleached all-purpose flour Turn out on a floured surface and knead until smooth, adding more flour a s needed to prevent sticking. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease the top. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk about 1-1/2 hours. Knead dough down in bowl. Divide dough in 3 parts. Shape into oblong loaves and place in well-greased loaf pans. Cover and let rise until almost doubled, about 1 hour. Slash tops of loaves with a sharp knife down the length. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes . During first 10 minutes of baking, mist the oven twice with water (being careful to avoid oven light), to make crust the right texture. Cool on wire racks. To make either of the preceding into Herb-Garlic Sourdough, add dried or fresh Italian herbs and garlic POWDER (not salt) to the sponge right before adding flour. Do not leave overnight, as this will ruin the sponge. Try 1-1/2 tablespoons garlic powder and 1 tablespoon herbs per batch. It depends upon the strength of the herbs and your liking for garlic how you will vary it. This bread may be made with a little whole wheat flour for variety, but try it first with all white flour. I would use bread flour instead of all-purpose, especially if you make a free-form loaf, as it holds together better. All of these bread recipes easily triple or quadruple, if your bowl is big enough. The only problem is scheduling the oven! It is a good idea to make more loaves than you need and freeze some, preferably unbaked and shaped into loaves. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and put in a plastic bag. Most of the breads can be frozen after baking with no ill effects, but the sour wheat is an exception to this. If frozen after baking, it turns crumbly and dry. If you leftover bread, it makes excellent croutons, toast, dressing or bread pudding. SOURDOUGH OAT BREAD - MARKAY KERN The night before baking, to make a sponge, in a large bowl combine:
1 cup sourdough starter Cover and let this sponge stand overnight to ferment. The next morning, to soften yeast, in another large bowl combine:
1/2 cup warm water Stir into softened yeast mixture:
1/4 cup brown sugar Beat well. To make a soft dough , gradually add: 1 to 2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour Turn out on a floured surface and knead until smooth. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease the top. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk, 45 to 60 minutes. Knead dough down in bowl. Divide dough into 3 parts. Roll into tapered loaf. Place on greased baking sheets, seam side down. Cover and let rise until doubled, 30 to 45 minutes. Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes.
The night before baking, in a large bowl combine:
1-1/2 cups sourdough starter, at room temperature Beat well. Cover and let stand for 8 to 12 hours. Stir 2 tsp. salt into this sponge. To make a stiff dough, gradually add: 2 - 3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour Turn out on a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic. Cover dough with an inverted bowl or clean cloth while you prepare pans. Grease two double-baguette pans. Divide dough into 4 parts. Roll each part into a small oval. Starting with a long side, roll each oval into an oblong loaf. Continue to roll loaf back and forth until it is 2 inches shorter than pan. Place loaves in prepared pans. Glaze them generously with mixture of 1 egg and 1 tsp. water. Slash tops of loaves with shears or sharp knife. Place pans on middle rack of oven. Place a large, flat plan with hot water on the bottom rack of the oven. Close door and let loaves rise until almost doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Remove pan of water and loaves from oven. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Loaves can be glazed again with egg wash or bake as is. If you glaze them a second time, be careful not to deflate the dough. Bake at 400 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool on wire racks. You may also bake these on baking sheets which have been greased or sprinkled heavily with cornmeal.
Add 1 cup raisins to ferment with Sour-Oat sponge. Proceed as directed. May also be made with cinnamon. SOUR-WHEAT BREAD - MARKAY KERN To soften yeast, in a large mixing bowl combine:
1/4 cup water Allow yeast to proof. Stir in:
1 cup sourdough starter Beat well. Cover and let rise 1 hour. Stir down sponge. Stir in:
1/4 cup brown sugar Stir together and blend into sponge:
1/4 tsp. baking soda Turn out on a well floured surface and knead until smooth. Shape into a ball. Cover and let rest 30 minutes. Divide dough into half. Shape into round balls and place on well-greased baking sheets that have been sprinkled with cornmeal. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool on wire racks. Makes 2 loaves.
(This has to be the most requested recipe in the family. Thanksgiving would not be complete in any of our homes without these rolls.) This is our favorite for 3 important reasons; (1) we like the results, (2) because the dough is chilled it is easier to determine the time to roll them out in order to eat exactly on schedule, (3) the work can be done ahead so that either on a Sunday or very busy day very little work is left to do.
1 Tbsp. yeast ( 1 pkg.) In a bowl large enough to allow ingredients to double, combine yeast, 1 Tbsp. sugar and warm water and allow to stand until dissolved. Meanwhile, scald milk, add shortening and cool t o lukewarm. Add milk mixture to yeast along with eggs, remaining sugar and salt. Stir in flour and then beat for 5 minutes or until dough no longer appears rough, but is smooth and large blisters appear as you beat. Cover the bowl with foil or a heavy plate and refrigerate until 3-1/2 hours before baking. Shape into rolls. This will make 3 - 9 inch circles for crescents. Brush the tops with melted butter and allow to rise for 3 hours. Bake at 425 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. Take care, they burn easily. ARAB ROLLS - BELVA PERRY A light, delicious roll. Belva got the recipe from LaFaye Reed.
2 cups warm water Dissolve yeast in warm water, add salt and flour. Stir well. Cover, let rise 1 hour. Spoon into greased muffin tins. Let rise for 20 minutes or until double. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Empty out immediately for a crusty roll.
- 32 rolls
1 Tbsp. yeast Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add 1 Tbsp. sugar. Scald milk, add butter. When cool, combine with yeast mixture. Add eggs, 1/2 cup sugar and salt. Add flour...enough to knead, but don't make dough stiff. It should be a very soft dough. Cover and let raise for 5 to 6 hours (or overnight). Punch down . Separate dough in half. Roll each half into a circle and cut into 16 pieces (use lots of flour on board). roll each piece from large end to small and place on greased sheet. Let rise 4 to 6 hours. Bake at 350 degrees or 375 for 15 to 20 minutes.
2 Batches (64) 3 batches(96)
4 batches (128)
1 cup warm water Pour water into small beater bowl. Add honey and yeast. When yeast is dissolved, add oil, salt and 1-1/2 cups flour. Beat until smooth. Scrape and remove beaters. Stir in enough remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead gently until smooth, but still sticky, about four minutes. Roll dough to form a 7" x 11" rectangle. Cut in half lengthwise with a wet or greased knife, then crosswise into 1 inch strips to make about 20 pieces. Place strips side by side in an oiled 7" x 11" pan and brush with butter. Dribble remaining butter over the top. Cover and let rise in a warm area about 30 minutes. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. BASIC DOUGH FOR CINNAMON ROLLS, SCONES AND PIZZA CRUST - ZINA LIMB MAYBEE
2 cups warm water In large mixing bowl, combine warm water, 1 tsp. sugar and yeast. Allow to stand until yeast is thoroughly dissolved. Add 1/3 cup sugar and salt, shortening, eggs and 3 cups of flour. Mix well with electric mixer. Stir in additional flour to make a moderately stiff dough; mix well. Knead until smooth and elastic. Place dough in oiled bowl, cove and allow to rise about 30 minutes to 1 hour or until almost doubled in bulk, punch down. Shape into desired form. FOR CINNAMON ROLLS: Divide dough into 2 portions. Roll out each into a large rectangle about 1/2 inch thick. Spread with softened butter and sprinkle with half brown sugar, and half granulated sugar with cinnamon to taste. Roll up dough jelly-roll style, pinching to seal long edge. Cut 3/4 to 1 inch thick, using a thread brought from underneath roll of dough and crossed through. Place rolls cut side down on greased baking sheet, giving them plenty of room to rise. Mist lightly from a spray bottle during process. Let rise until doubled in bulk, covered. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes, or until nicely browned. Remove from oven. Top with glaze if desired. GLAZE:
3 cups confectioners sugar Combine confectioners sugar with butter, milk and vanilla. Beat until smooth and well-mixed. Use to glaze cinnamon rolls.
This recipe makes about 2-1/2 dozen.
1 cup warm water In a bowl large enough to allow ingredients to double, dissolve yeast in warm water. Combine flour and powdered milk; add to yeast mixture along with melted shortening and beaten eggs. Let this sponge stand for two hours, then knead in remaining 3 cups of flour (or as much as is need to make a soft easily handled dough.) Knead until smooth and then allow to rise until double in bulk. Roll to a rectangle that is 1/4 inch thick and 10 inches wide. Spread with butter and sprinkle with 1/2 cup sugar, combined with orange rind*. Roll up like cinnamon rolls, beginning with the widest edge. Cut into 2" slices and place in greased muffin tin cut side down. Brush the tops with melted butter. When doubled in bulk, bake at 375 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. *Filling:
6 Tbsp. butter or margarine
These are delicious split open and served with butter or honey and jam. We start them the night before for an outstanding breakfast.
2 cups milk Scald milk, add shortening and stir until dissolved. Let cool until lukewarm. In a large bowl, dissolve 3 Tbsp. yeast in 1/2 cup warm water. Add milk, eggs, sugar, salt and flour. Beat until smooth and large bubbles appear. It should be a dough, not batter, but it will be sticky. Chill in refrigerator for 6 to 8 hours or overnight. Roll 3/4 inch thick and cut into rectangles about 2" x 3". Let rise 15 to 30 minutes and fry in 360 degree oil until golden brown.
Ronda Stark bakes the best cinnamon rolls we have ever tasted. Her secrets: (1) do not overbake, (2) use the least amount of flour necessary and (3) be generous with the filling and topping.
2 cups warm water *(You may substitute 1-3/4 cups scalded milk and soften yeast in 1/4 cup warm water.) Combine water and yeast and allow to stand until dissolved. Add sugar , shortening and eggs. Stir together 1 cup flour, powdered milk and salt and add gradually add to first mixture. Stir until dough begins to pull away from sides and then dump onto a well-floured board or counter and knead in as much of the remaining flour as you need to make a soft, easily handled dough. Keep in mind that your dough will be softer and stickier than bread dough. Knead well until smooth and elastic and then allow to rise until doubled in bulk. At this point, for a finer texture you may allow dough to rise again until almost double or you may shape into cinnamon rolls. Roll dough into 16 x 24 x 1/4 for nice fat cinnamon rolls or 12 x 32 x 1/4 for daintier ones. Spread with 1/2 cup butter and then sprinkle with combination of 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon. (NOTE: you can add more or less, as you prefer.) Dot with 1/2 cup raisins and 1/2 cup chopped walnuts. Roll up, beginning at wide end. Pinch ends of roll to seal. Cut into 3/4 inch slices. Place in 9 inch cake or pie tins so that edges touch. Melt 1/2 cup butter. Pour over rolls and sprinkle tops with more brown sugar and nuts. Bake at 37 5 degrees. While still warm, frost with powdered sugar frosting. SCONES - WALT CARTER Walt got this recipe at the home of a friend, from the caterer who did a lamb barbecue for them.
2 cups warm water (100 degrees) Add yeast to warm water and let stand until dissolved. Add milk, lard and sugar. Sift 5 cups of flour with salt and cardamom and then dump out onto a well-floured board or counter and knead in as much of the remaining flour as you need to make a soft, easily handled dough. Knead well until smooth and elastic and then allow to rise until doubled in bulk. Pinch off pieces of dough and shape into rounds about 3/8 inches thick and 2 inches wide. Drop into deep fat at 375 degrees until golden brown (turning once.) Drain and serve at once. DOUGHNUTS: DROP DOUGHNUTS - BELVA PERRY
2 cups flour Place dry ingredients in bowl. Combine oil, milk and egg and quickly stir into the flour mixture. Drop batter by teaspoonful's into 360 degree hot oil. They must be kept small or they will not cook in the center. They usually turn themselves when cooked on one side, but if one doesn't, just gently nudge it until it turns over. To test one, just break it open. They usually take about 3 minutes to cook; do several at a time. We just drain them on absorbent paper and then rush to the table where each person has the choice of rolling his in sugar, sugar-cinnamon or powdered sugar. SOURDOUGH DOUGHNUTS - BELVA PERRY
1/2 cup starter Add liquid ingredients to sourdough. Stir in dry ingredients until just mixed. Pat out to 3/8 inch thick and cut into doughnuts or doughnut holes. Cook as in recipe above. RAISED DOUGHNUTS - BELVA PERRY
2 cups warm water In a large bowl, combine yeast and warm water and allow to stand until dissolved. Add sugar, oil and eggs. Combine flour, nutmeg and salt and then combine with yeast mixture. Knead in just enough of the remaining flour to make the dough stiff enough to handle. Allow to rise until double in bulk. Punch down and roll to 3/8 inch thick on lightly floured board or counter. Cut into doughnut shape with a good sized cutter. (We use a glass about 3-1/2 inches in diameter for the doughnut and a small lid for the holes.) They raise so rapidly that even before you finish cutting you'll want to start heating your oil for frying. Immediately after you cut each doughnut and each hole, remove it to a floured tray or cookie sheet to eliminate the problem of sticking to one another or the counter. As soon as almost double in bulk, fry in oil heated to 350 to 375 degrees until they are golden brown. Allow them to cool and drain o n absorbent paper just barely long enough so that you can comfortably handle them, but while they are still hot. Glaze them or roll them in granulated sugar. An easy way of sugaring them is to just shake vigorously in a sack containing sugar until they are completely coated. CHOCOLATE GLAZE
1/4 cup water Bring water, butter and cocoa to a boil. Remove from heat. Gradually add powdered sugar. Mix until smooth. Stir in vanilla. Dip tops of hot doughnuts or bars in frosting to glaze them. 1 dozen BENITA SAATVEDT (Lower in fat and calories than regular doughnuts).
2 cups flour, sifted
1/4 cup sugar Sift together all dry ingredients. Cut in shortening with pastry cutter or two knives. Mixture should look like small balls. Stir in milk and raisins. Turn onto lightly floured board. Roll out to 1/2 inch thickness. Cut into rounds with floured doughnut cutter. Arrange doughnuts on cookie sheets. Brush with melted butter. Bake 12 minutes in a 425 degree oven. Brush again with melted butter. Combine 1/4 cup sugar and 2 tsp. cinnamon to make cinnamon sugar. Makes 1 dozen.
4 cups flour Sift together flour, soda, salt and sugar. Cut margarine into dry mixture until it resembles coarse cornmeal. Add raisins and seeds. Add buttermilk slowly; mix until blended. Turn dough onto floured board. Knead lightly until smooth. (Very sticky try flouring mixture and/or oiling hands) Knead approximately 5 minutes or less. Shape into round loaf on greased cookie sheet. Cut shallow cross into top. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until loaf is golden brown.) Note: 1 quart of buttermilk will be enough for 3 loaves.)
2 cups granulated sugar Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs. Stir in mashed banana. Sift together dry ingredient s and add to banana mixture. Mix until well blended. Pour into greased 9 x 9 x 2 inch pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. Cut in squares to serve. VELVETY BANANA BREAD - BARBARA CARTER 2 loaves
5 large ripe bananas Beat bananas until liquid; combine with eggs and set aside. Cream shortening and sugar until fluffy. Add to first mixture and blend. Add sifted dry ingredients and stir until smooth. Add nuts. Pour into 2 greased pans (9 x 5 x 3). Bake 1 hour in 350 degree oven. PUMPKIN OR SQUASH DATE BREAD - BARBARA CARTER
2 loaves Heat oven to 325 degrees. Grease bottom of 2 8 x 4 or 9 x 5 inch loaf pans. In large bowl, combine pumpkin, sugar, butter, water and eggs. Beat 1 minute at medium speed. Sift together flour, soda, salt and spices. Add gradually to wet mixture and beat until smooth. (About 1 minute at medium speed.) Stir in dates and nuts. Pour into greased pans. Bake at 325 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool in pan for 5 minutes. Remove and cool completely. ORANGE CORN MEAL MUFFINS - VICKIE PERRY
1 cup yellow corn meal Combine dry ingredients. Beat egg, add milk, juice, vegetable oil and orange rind. Add to dry mixture, mixing well. Fill greased muffin tins and bake at 425 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Makes 12 - 14 muffins. SOURDOUGH BISCUITS - MARKAY KERN Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Lightly grease a large baking sheet. Stir together into a large bowl:
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour With a pastry blender or two table knives, cut into dry ingredients: 1 cup shortening With a fork, stir into this mixture: 2 cups sourdough starter Toss on a floured surface until no longer sticky. Knead lightly. Pat or roll out to 1/2 inch thickness. Section with floured biscuit cutter or cut into squares with a knife. Place on greased baking sheet. These may be allowed to rest for 15 minutes before baking for a larger biscuit. Bake at 425 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Makes about 16 large biscuits. Good with jam or gravy. JUMBO CINNAMON ROLLS - JANIS WOODARDS
4-1/4 to 4-3/4 cups flour In large bowl, combine 1-1/2 cups flour and yeast. Heat milk, sugar, margarine and salt just until mixture is warm. (120 to 130 degrees F.) and margarine is almost melted, stirring constantly. Add the milk mixture to the flour. Add eggs. Beat with electric mixer on low for 30 seconds, scraping sides constantly. Beat on high for 3 minutes. Using spoon stir in as much remaining flour as you can (dough will be soft). Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Knead in enough of remaining flour to make a moderately soft dough (3 to 5 minutes.) Shape into ball. Place in lightly greased bowl. Turn once. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double - 1 to 1-1/2 hours. The dough is ready for shaping when you can lightly and quickly press two fingers 1/2 inch into dough and indentation remains. Punch dough down. On a lightly floured surface, divide dough in half; shape each half into a smooth ball. Cover; let rest for 10 minutes. Roll half of dough into 12" x 8" rectangle. Spread 3 Tbsp. butter (soft). Combine brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle 1/2 over rectangle. Roll up from short side. Repeat with second ball. Slice each roll into 8 pieces. Arrange cut side down in a greased 13 9 x 2 inch baking pan. Let rise until nearly double, about 30 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes until light brown. Invert immediately onto a wire rack. Cool slightly and drizzle rolls with glaze. Serve warm. Maple Nut Glaze Combine 1 cup powdered sugar, 2 Tbsp. maple syrup or 1/2 tsp. maple extract and enough water or milk (2 or 3 tsp.) for drizzling consistency. Powdered Sugar Glaze: Combine 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla and enough milk (3 to 4 tsp.) for drizzling consistency. Back to Introduction